Today I ventured further north into the neighbourhood of Stockbridge. Crossing the tiny bridge over the mighty Water of Leith (don't blink or you will miss it, let alone be completely oblivious to the fact you are actually on a bridge) leads to a lively and colourful collection of shops and services. After a leisurely stroll along the main shopping street, I stopped in at The Stockbridge Tap for some fish and chips.
The beer menu consisted of an extensive collection of local ales that were completely new to me. I chose an organic ale from Black Isle Brewery based in the Scottish Highlands. Specifically, the beer is brewed north of Inverness, near the towns of Tore and Munlochy, just south of Middle Earth and the Shire.
The beer was superb. Their slogan (save the planet - drink organic) could easily be save your palette - drink Black Isle beer. The pint was strong by UK standards, weighing in at 5.1% alcohol. Time for a wee nap.
Black Isle rocks. I couldn't help but notice they stole my idea for a beer name: their St. Nicholas' Knicker Dropper Glory sounds suspiciously like my own Fernwood Brewing Company's Panty Remover Ale.
Further down the road in Stockbridge I found that Cafe Henri was selling their bottles. Sweet.
I think I might be getting fat. If it weren't for the fact that I am walking to these pubs, I'd start to get worried.
1 comment:
100m is not a walk. ;)
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