The Gordon Arms has a big empty space in the middle of the room, which I suppose is meant for people to stand in and watch TV. They were playing a UEFA Champions League match on the telly while I was there, but it was above and behind me so I couldn't watch. I could hear it well enough to recognize that Budweiser does a version of that horrible ad with the generic electric guitar riff over grainy sports footage that starts out slow but builds in tempo and crowd noise and mediocrity.... only here it is soccer rather than hockey. Along with being below the television, my seat was next to the door to the gent's toilet, which smelled belligerently of piss every time it was swung open by one of the few patrons.
Sometimes I go out to visit a pub on my own, but bring along the large
Moleskin writing pad that Meghan bought me for Christmas last year. I like the opportunity that a blank sheet of paper represents. I have always wanted one of those large, tilted draftsman's desks - not to draw, but to write on (or design software, or doodle).

My beer here is a
Double Amber Export Ale, originally brewed by the defunct Campbell Hope & King but now made by the wondrous
Caledonian. It was only £2.60 for a pint. Te-ooh Pounds Sixty-Pence, I kid you not. The beer is certainly cheap at the Gordon Arms, so I'm not sure why it was so empty.
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