Sunday, January 29, 2012

#123. Masonic Arms, 18 Castle St, Kirkcudbright

Kirkcudbright (pronounced "Kurt Cobain") is a self-proclaimed village of artists along the south-west coast of Scotland. The city itself is beautiful, as the buildings are all painted in strong, contrasting colours.


This pub was quite busy for a Sunday afternoon, as many locals were gathered to watch the final of the Australian Open. Here I am enjoying a half-pint of the Flying Scotsman Ale from Caledonian.


The surrounding area is where the cult film The Wicker Man was shot. I've always thought that Burning Man was a bit of a Wicker Man rip-off, so I hope to get down to Kirkcudbright for their festival this summer so I will be able to say quite condescendingly "yes, Burning Man, but have you been to Wicker Man?"


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