Sunday, April 29, 2012

#200. Bonapartes, Temple Meads Station, Bristol

The weather was absolutely miserable, so we decided to ditch any attempt at sightseeing. Here we are waiting for our cab in the neighbourhood of my Carey ancestors on Gloucester Road.


Poor Bristol... timing or bad weather continues to conspire against our spending any real time in this city. We always seem to be here for a second while transferring trains on our way to other places. It is therefore fitting that my 200th establishment would be based in Bristol Temple Meads train station, in a surprisingly decent pub!


In the Supertramp song Rudy, off Crime of the Century (or as it is simply known back home in Canada, The Greatest Album of the 1970s), you hear a station announcement for a train that calls on Bristol Temple Meads (you can hear it at the 3:32 mark in the link to the video above). Well, here it is... the one part of Bristol that didn't have the shit bombed out of it during WW II.


That is me enjoying a half-pint of Butcombe Rare Breed, part of a balanced breakfast.


Butcombe... could that really be pronounced butt-comb?

1 comment:

Steve said...

Great to see you hitting that 200 Milestone!
Stay focused! AT 47, you're living the dream!
Stay thirsty my friend!